Glossary of COVID-19 Terms and Phrases
This resource is intended for APIAHF partner organizations, community members, state and local health departments, and other community-based organizations seeking COVID-19 terms, phrases, and specific terminology for developing and creating in-language materials for Asian American communities. Users can scroll through the respective language table and find translated terms and phrases in Korean, Bengali, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Vietnamese.
This resource is updated on a rolling basis and was last updated on August 17, 2021.
For technical assistance on how to use the glossary and to request additional terms, please contact APIAHF.
COVID-19 Glossary of Terms and Phrases | COVID-19 শব্দ এবং বাক্যাংশের শব্দকোষ |
A person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness.
| উপসর্গবিহীন:
যে ব্যক্তির অসুস্থ্যতার কোনো উপসর্গ বা লক্ষণ থাকে না বা দেখা যায় না। (4).
Community health worker:
A frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of a community or who has a thorough understanding of the community being served.
| কমিউনিটি স্বাস্থ্যকর্মী:
একজন সম্মুখসারীর জনস্বাস্থ্য কর্মী যিনি কমিউনিটির
একজন বিশ্বস্ত সদস্য বা যার সেই কমিউনিটি
সম্পর্কে সম্যক ধারণা রয়েছে। (1).
Confirmed COVID-19 Case:
Report of a person with COVID-19 and meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| নিশ্চিত COVID-19 কেস:
COVID-19 আছে এমন ব্যক্তির বিষয়ে রিপোর্ট
এবং পরীক্ষাগারে নমুনার নিশ্চিত প্রমাণ আছে। (3).
Having come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem.
| সংস্পর্শে আসা:
কোনও বিশেষ স্বাস্থ্য সমস্যার কারণ বা তা নির্ধারণের
সাথে সম্পর্কিত কোনও বৈশিষ্ট্যের সংস্পর্শে আসা। (3).
Law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, and emergency management officials.
| ফার্স্ট রেসপন্ডার/ জরুরি পরিস্থিতিতে প্রথম
আইন প্রয়োগকারী, ফায়ার সার্ভিস/দমকল বাহিনী,
জরুরি চিকিৎসা পরিষেবা এবং জরুরি ব্যবস্থাপনার
কর্মকর্তাগণ। (3).
Healthcare Personnel:
People serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including body substances; contaminated medical supplies, devices, and equipment; contaminated environmental services; or contaminated air.
| স্বাস্থ্যসেবা কর্মী:
স্বাস্থ্যসেবা ব্যবস্থাপনায় সেবা দিচ্ছেন এমন লোকেরা যাদের
রোগী বা সংক্রামক পদার্থের সাথে প্রত্যক্ষ বা অপ্রত্যক্ষ
সংস্পর্শের সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে। সংক্রামক পদার্থে অন্তর্ভুক্ত
শরীর থেকে নির্গত পদার্থ; দূষিত চিকিৎসা সরবরাহ,
ডিভাইস এবং সরঞ্জাম; দূষিত পরিবেশ সেবা; বা দূষিত বায়ু। (3).
Incubation Period:
Period of time between exposure to an infection and onset of symptoms.
| ইনকিউবেশন সময়:
কোনো সংক্রমণের সংস্পর্শ থেকে ওই রোগের উপসর্গ
দেখা দেওয়ার মধ্যবর্তী সময়কাল।(3).
The separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease.
| বিচ্ছিন্নকরণ:
কোনো সংক্রামক ব্যধির সংক্রমণ ঠেকাতে, কোনো
সংক্রামক ব্যাধিতে সংক্রমিত হয়েছে এবং অন্যদের
মধ্যে ছড়াতে পারে বলে যাদেরকে ধারণা করা হচ্ছে,
সেই ব্যক্তি বা গোষ্ঠীর লোকদের বিচ্ছিন্ন করে রাখা। (3).
Multigenerational Household:
Households that consist of more than two generations living under the same roof.
| বহু প্রজন্মের গৃহস্থ:
একই বাড়িতে বসবাসরত যে পরিবারে দুই প্রজন্মেরও
বেশি সদস্য রয়েছে।
। (3).
Probable COVID-19 Case:
Report of person meeting clinical and epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 but without confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| সম্ভাব্য COVID-19 কেস:
ক্লিনিকাল এবং অতিমারীর প্রমাণের ভিত্তিতে ব্যক্তির
COVID-19 থাকার রিপোর্ট আছে তবে তা
পরীক্ষাগারের প্রমাণে নিশ্চিত নয়। (3).
The separation of a person or group of people reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease but not yet symptomatic from others who have not been so exposed to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease.
| কোয়ারেন্টাইন:
সংক্রামক রোগের সম্ভাব্য বিস্তার প্রতিরোধের জন্য,
কোনও ব্যক্তি বা গোষ্ঠী, যাদের বিষয়ে
ধারণা করা হচ্ছে যে তারা কোনো সংক্রামক রোগের
সংস্পর্শ এসেছে কিন্তু তাদের কোন উপসর্গ দেখা
যাচ্ছে না, তাদেরকে বিচ্ছিন্নভাবে রাখা । (3).
Social distancing:
The practice of increasing the space between individuals and decreasing their frequency of contact to reduce the risk of spreading a disease; ideally to maintain at least 6 feet between all individuals, even those who are asymptomatic.
| সামাজিক দূরত্ব:
কোনও রোগ ছড়িয়ে যাওয়ার ঝুঁকি কমাতে ব্যক্তিদের মধ্যে
দূরত্ব বাড়ানো এবং তাদের সংস্পর্শের হার হ্রাস করার
অনুশীলন; আদর্শিকভাবে সমস্ত ব্যক্তির মধ্যে কমপক্ষে
৬ ফুট দূরত্ব বজায় রাখা, এমনকি যারা উপসর্গবিহীন
তাদের থেকেও। (4).
Showing signs of disease or injury, or it may concern a specific symptom.
| লক্ষণাত্মক:
রোগ বা আঘাতের লক্ষণ দেখাচ্ছে বা কোনো নির্দিষ্ট লক্ষণ প্রকাশ করছে। (5).
Vaccine confidence:
The trust that patients, their families, and providers have in: Recommended vaccines; providers who administer vaccines; and processes and policies that lead to vaccine development, licensure or authorization, manufacturing, and recommendations for use.
| টিকার ওপর বিশ্বাস:
যে বিশ্বাস রোগী, তাদের পরিবার এবং সরবরাহকারীদের
যে প্রস্তাবিত টিকাগুলো; সরবরাহকারী যারা টিকা
পরিচালনা করে; এবং প্রক্রিয়া এবং নীতিসমূহ যা টিকার
উন্নয়নে, লাইসেন্স বা অনুমোদন পাওয়ায়, উৎপাদন এবং ব্যবহারের
সুপারিশে সহায়ক হয়। (2). |
COVID-19 Glossary of Terms and Phrases | COVID-19相关术语和短语辞汇表 |
A person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness.
| 无症状:
Community health worker:
A frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of a community or who has a thorough understanding of the community being served.
| 社区卫生工作者:
Confirmed COVID-19 Case:
Report of a person with COVID-19 and meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| COVID-19 确诊病例:
感染 COVID-19 且满足验证性实验室证据的人员报告。(3).
Efficacy Rate:
A measure used to describe how good a vaccine is at preventing disease. | 有效率:
一项描述疫苗抵御疾病能力的数据 |
Having come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem.
| 暴露:
Law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, and emergency management officials.
| 急救人员:
Health Clinics:
are community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services to the nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families, including people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public housing, and veterans. | 健康诊所:
以社区为基础且以病人为首的医疗组织,向处于弱势的个人或家庭(包括无家可归者,农业工作者,公屋住户,退役军人等)提供全面,优质,文化合理的基本医疗服务。 |
Healthcare Personnel:
People serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including body substances; contaminated medical supplies, devices, and equipment; contaminated environmental services; or contaminated air.
| 医疗保健人员:
Protection against a disease | 免疫力:
对某种疾病的抵抗力 |
The process of being made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. It implies that you have had an immune response. | 免疫形成:
一般指通过接种疫苗,对某种传染病产生免疫力或抵抗力的过程,同时意味着您已经有过免疫反应。 |
Incubation Period:
Period of time between exposure to an infection and onset of symptoms.
| 潜伏期:
Incubation period:
The time from contact with infectious agents (bacteria or viruses) to onset of disease. | 潜伏期:
从接触传染源(细菌或病毒)到发病所经历的时间。 |
Capable of spreading disease | 有传染性:
具有传播疾病的能力 |
The separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease.
| 隔离:
Multigenerational Household:
Households that consist of more than two generations living under the same roof.
| 多世代家庭:
The occurrence of cases of disease in excess of what would normally be expected in a defined community, geographical area, and/or season, but in lower than epidemic numbers. | 爆发:
在特定社区,地区和/或季节,病例数超过一般预期,但未达到流行病标准的情况。 |
Probable COVID-19 Case:
Report of person meeting clinical and epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 but without confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| COVID-19 潜在病例:
符合 COVID-19 临床和流行病学证据但无验证性实验室证据的人员报告。
The separation of a person or group of people reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease but not yet symptomatic from others who have not been so exposed to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease.
| 检疫隔离:
Side Effect:
Undesirable reaction resulting from immunization. | 副作用:
免疫形成过程中产生的不良反应。 |
Social distancing:
The practice of increasing the space between individuals and decreasing their frequency of contact to reduce the risk of spreading a disease; ideally to maintain at least 6 feet between all individuals, even those who are asymptomatic.
| 社交距离:
扩大人与人之间的距离并减少他们之间的接触频率,以减低传播疾病的风险的做法;理想情况下,所有个体之间至少要保持 6 英呎距离,即使是无症状者。(4).
Unprotected against disease. | 易感染:
未对疾病形成保护的 |
Showing signs of disease or injury, or it may concern a specific symptom.
| 有症状:
显示疾 病或受伤的迹象,或者可能涉及特定症状。(5).
Vaccine Efficacy:
refers to vaccine protection measured in RCTs usually under optimal conditions where vaccine storage and delivery are monitored and participants are usually healthy. | 疫苗效果:
通常指理想条件(疫苗储存和运输得当,接种者健康状况良好)下,在随机对照实验中疫苗的保护效果。 |
Vaccine confidence:
The trust that patients, their families, and providers have in: Recommended vaccines; providers who administer vaccines; and processes and policies that lead to vaccine development, licensure or authorization, manufacturing, and recommendations for use.
| 疫苗信心:
When a virus enters a host, it invades cells and creates more copies of itself. Every time this happens, its genetic material can change through mutations. A mutated virus results in a variant. New variants of any virus, including COVID-19, are expected. | 变体:
当病毒进入宿主体内以后,会攻击细胞并不断自我繁殖。在此过程中,病毒的基因物质可能发生突变。突变后的病毒最终会成为变 体。包括COVID-19在内的病毒出现变体是正常现象。 |
A tiny organism that multiplies within cells and causes disease such as chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis and hepatitis. Viruses are not affected by antibiotics, the drugs used to kill bacteria. | 病毒:
病毒是一种在细胞内繁殖的微生物,可以导致例如水痘,麻疹,腮腺炎,风疹,百日咳或肝炎等疾病。使用抗生素只能杀死细菌,对病毒没有作用。 |
Messenger RNA, or mRNA, is genetic material that tells your
body how to make proteins. | mRNA:
信使核糖核酸,也叫mRNA,是一种指挥身体合成蛋白质的基因物质。 |
COVID-19 Glossary of Terms and Phrases | COVID-19 相關術語和短語辭彙表 |
A person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness.
| 無症狀:
Community health worker:
A frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of a community or who has a thorough understanding of the community being served.
| 社區衛生工作者:
Confirmed COVID-19 Case:
Report of a person with COVID-19 and meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| COVID-19 確診病例:
感染 COVID-19 且滿足驗證性實驗室證據的人員報告。(3).
Efficacy Rate:
A measure used to describe how good a vaccine is at preventing disease. | 有效率:
一項描述疫苗抵禦疾病能力的數據 |
Having come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem.
| 暴露:
Law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, and emergency management officials.
| 急救人員:
Health Clinics:
are community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services to the nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families, including people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public housing, and veterans. | 健康診所:
以社區為基礎且以病人為首的醫療組織,向處於弱勢的個人或家庭(包括無家可歸者,農業工作者,公屋住戶,退役軍人等)提供全面,優質,文化合理的基本醫療服務。 |
Healthcare Personnel:
People serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including body substances; contaminated medical supplies, devices, and equipment; contaminated environmental services; or contaminated air.
| 醫療保健人員:
Protection against a disease | 免疫力:
對某種疾病的抵抗力 |
The process of being made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine. It implies that you have had an immune response. | 免疫形成:
一般指通過接種疫苗,對某種傳染病產生免疫力或抵抗力的過程,同時意味著您已經有過免疫反應。 |
Incubation Period:
Period of time between exposure to an infection and onset of symptoms.
| 潛伏期:
Incubation period:
The time from contact with infectious agents (bacteria or viruses) to onset of disease. | 潛伏期:
從接觸傳染源(細菌或病毒)到發病所經歷的時間。 |
Capable of spreading disease | 有傳染性:
具有傳播疾病的能力 |
The separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease.
| 隔離:
Multigenerational Household:
Households that consist of more than two generations living under the same roof.
| 多世代家庭:
The occurrence of cases of disease in excess of what would normally be expected in a defined community, geographical area, and/or season, but in lower than epidemic numbers. | 爆發:
在特定社區,地區和/或季節,病例數超過一般預期,但未達到流行病標準的情況。 |
Probable COVID-19 Case:
Report of person meeting clinical and epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 but without confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| COVID-19 潛在病例:
符合 COVID-19 臨床和流行病學證據但無驗證性實驗室證據的人員報告。(3).
The separation of a person or group of people reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease but not yet symptomatic from others who have not been so exposed to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease.
| 檢疫隔離:
Side Effect:
Undesirable reaction resulting from immunization. | 副作用:
免疫形成過程中產生的不良反應。 |
Social distancing:
The practice of increasing the space between individuals and decreasing their frequency of contact to reduce the risk of spreading a disease; ideally to maintain at least 6 feet between all individuals, even those who are asymptomatic.
| 社交距離:
擴大人與人之間的距離並減少他們之間的接觸頻率,以減低傳播疾病的風險的做法;理想情況下,所有個體之間至少要保持 6 英呎距離,即使是無症狀者。(4).
Unprotected against disease. | 易感染:
未對疾病形成保護的 |
Showing signs of disease or injury, or it may concern a specific symptom.
| 有症狀:
Vaccine Efficacy:
refers to vaccine protection measured in RCTs usually under optimal conditions where vaccine storage and delivery are monitored and participants are usually healthy. | 疫苗效果:
通常指理想條件(疫苗儲存和運輸得當,接種者健康狀況良好)下,在隨機對照試驗中疫苗的保護效果。 |
Vaccine confidence:
The trust that patients, their families, and providers have in: Recommended vaccines; providers who administer vaccines; and processes and policies that lead to vaccine development, licensure or authorization, manufacturing, and recommendations for use.
| 疫苗信心:
When a virus enters a host, it invades cells and creates more copies of itself. Every time this happens, its genetic material can change through mutations. A mutated virus results in a variant. New variants of any virus, including COVID-19, are expected. | 變體:
當病毒進入宿主體内以後,會攻擊細胞並不斷自我繁殖。在此過程中,病毒的基因物質可能發生突 變。突變後的病毒會最終成為變體。包括COVID-19在内的病毒出現變體是正常現象。 |
A tiny organism that multiplies within cells and causes disease such as chickenpox, measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis and hepatitis. Viruses are not affected by antibiotics, the drugs used to kill bacteria. | 病毒:
病毒是一種在細胞内繁殖的微生物,可以導致例如水痘,麻疹,腮腺炎,風疹,百日咳或肝炎等疾病。使用抗生素只能殺死細菌,對病毒沒有作用。 |
Messenger RNA, or mRNA, is genetic material that tells your
body how to make proteins. | mRNA: 信使核糖核酸,也叫mRNA,是一種指揮身體合成蛋白質的基因物質。 |
COVID-19 Glossary of Terms and Phrases | COVID-19 용어집 |
A person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness.
| 무증상자:
감염되었으나 질병의 어떤 증상이나 징후가 나타나지 않고, 이를 보고하지 않은 사람 (4).
Community health worker:
A frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of a community or who has a thorough understanding of the community being served.
| 지역사회 보건 종사자:
신뢰할 수 있는 지역사회 구성원이거나 서비스가 제공되는 지역사회를 잘 이해하는 일선의 공중 보건 종사자 (1).
Confirmed COVID-19 Case:
Report of a person with COVID-19 and meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| COVID-19 확진 사례:
확정적인 실험실 증거를 충족하는 COVID-19 증상이 있는 사람에 대한 보고 건 (3).
Having come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem.
| 노출:
감염될 수 있는 환경이나 원인에 접촉하거나, 특정 건강 문제의 결정 요인 또는 특정 건강 문제를 결정하는 특성을 보유한 원인과 접촉한 경우 (3).
Law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, and emergency management officials.
| 현장 응급 처치 요원:
법 집행, 소방 서비스, 응급 서비스 및 응급 관리 공무원을 칭함 (3).
Healthcare Personnel:
People serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including body substances; contaminated medical supplies, devices, and equipment; contaminated environmental services; or contaminated air.
| 의료 인력:
신체 물질, 오염된 의료용품, 장비, 기구, 오염된 환경 서비스 또는 오염된 공기를 포함하여 환자 또는 감염 물질에 직간접적으로 노출될 가능성이 있는 의료 환경에서 근무하는 사람들 (3).
Incubation Period:
Period of time between exposure to an infection and onset of symptoms.
| 잠복 기간:
감염된 시점부터 증상이 시작될 때까지의 기간 (3). |
The separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease.
| 격리:
전염병에 걸렸거나 전염병을 옮길 가능성이 있는 사람들을 감염되지 않은 사람들로부터 분리하여 전염병의 확산을 막는 방법 (3).
Multigenerational Household:
Households that consist of more than two generations living under the same roof.
| 다세대 가구:
한 지붕 아래에 두 세 대 이상으로 구성된 가구 (3). |
Probable: COVID-19 Case
Report of person meeting clinical and epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 but without confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| COVID-19 감염 의심 사례:
임상적으로, 역학적으로 COVID-19 감염이 의심되지만, 아직 확진 검사를 받지 않은 사례 (3).
The separation of a person or group of people reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease but not yet symptomatic from others who have not been so exposed to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease.
| 예방 격리:
전염병에 노출된 것이 합리적으로 믿어지나 아직 증상이 없는 사람 또는 집단으로부터 전염병 확산 가능성을 방지하기 위해 노출되지 않은 사람들과 분리하는 것 (3). |
Social distancing:
The practice of increasing the space between individuals and decreasing their frequency of contact to reduce the risk of spreading a disease; ideally to maintain at least 6 feet between all individuals, even those who are asymptomatic.
| 사회적 거리두기:
질병 확산 위험을 줄이기 위해 개인 간 거리를 확대하고 접촉 빈도를 줄이는 관행. 이상적으로 모든 개인, 심지어 무증상인 사람들 간에도 적어도 6피트 거리를 유지하는 것 (4).
Showing signs of disease or injury, or it may concern a specific symptom.
| 증상:
질병이나 부상의 징후를 보이거나 특정 증상을 수반하는 경우 (5).
Vaccine confidence:
The trust that patients, their families, and providers have in: Recommended vaccines; providers who administer vaccines; and processes and policies that lead to vaccine development, licensure or authorization, manufacturing, and recommendations for use.
| 백신 신뢰도:
환자, 가족, 서비스 제공자가 보유하고 있는 신뢰도: 백신의 모든 제조과정과 임상시험을 통해 안전성을 입증하여 백신 접종에 대한 신뢰성을 높임 (2).
繁體中文 / Chinese (Traditional)
Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese
COVID-19 Glossary of Terms and Phrases | Danh Sách Các Thuật Ngữ và Cụm Từ về COVID-19 |
A person who does not report or appear to have any symptoms or signs of illness.
| Không Có Triệu Chứng:
Một người không báo cáo hay có vẻ là có bất kỳ triệu chứng hoặc dấu hiệu nào của bệnh (4).
Community health worker:
A frontline public health worker who is a trusted member of a community or who has a thorough understanding of the community being served.
| Nhân viên y tế cộng đồng:
Nhân viên y tế cộng đồng tuyến đầu, thành viên đáng tin cậy của cộng đồng hoặc người có hiểu biết sâu sắc về cộng đồng đang được phục vụ (1).
Confirmed COVID-19 Case:
Report of a person with COVID-19 and meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Ca Mắc COVID-19 Đã Được Xác Nhận:
Báo cáo về một người mắc COVID-19 và có bằng chứng xác nhận qua xét nghiệm trong phòng thí nghiệm (3).
Having come into contact with a cause of, or possessing a characteristic that is a determinant of, a particular health problem.
| Phơi nhiễm:
Đã tiếp xúc với nguyên nhân hoặc sở hữu một đặc điểm là yếu tố quyết định của một vấn đề sức khỏe cụ thể (3).
Law enforcement, fire services, emergency medical services, and emergency management officials.
| Nhân Viên Phản Ứng Đầu Tiên:
Nhân viên thực thi pháp luật, nhân viên cứu hỏa, nhân viên cấp cứu y tế và nhân viên kiểm soát trường hợp khẩn cấp (3).
Healthcare Personnel:
People serving in healthcare settings who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials, including body substances; contaminated medical supplies, devices, and equipment; contaminated environmental services; or contaminated air.
| Nhân Sự Ngành Chăm Sóc Sức Khỏe:
Những người phục vụ trong các cơ sở chăm sóc sức khỏe có khả năng tiếp xúc trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp với bệnh nhân hoặc các vật liệu lây nhiễm, bao gồm cả các chất dịch cơ thể; vật tư, thiết bị và dụng cụ y tế bị nhiễm bẩn; dịch vụ môi trường bị nhiễm bẩn; hoặc không khí bị nhiễm bẩn (3).
Incubation Period:
Period of time between exposure to an infection and onset of symptoms.
| Thời Gian Ủ Bệnh:
Thời gian từ khi bị phơi nhiễm bệnh đến khi các triệu chứng khởi phát (3). |
The separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease.
| Cô Lập:
Việc tách một người hoặc một nhóm người được biết hoặc có lý do hợp lý để tin là đã bị nhiễm bệnh truyền nhiễm và có khả năng làm lây nhiễm bệnh khỏi những người không bị nhiễm bệnh để ngăn chặn sự lây lan của bệnh truyền nhiễm (3). |
Multigenerational Household:
Households that consist of more than two generations living under the same roof.
| Hộ Gia Đình Đa Thế Hệ:
Các hộ gia đình có nhiều hơn hai thế hệ cùng sống chung dưới một mái nhà (3).
Probable COVID-19 Case:
Report of person meeting clinical and epidemiologic evidence of COVID-19 but without confirmatory laboratory evidence.
| Ca Nghi Ngờ Mắc COVID-19:
Báo cáo về người có bằng chứng lâm sàng và dịch tễ h ọc với COVID-19 nhưng chưa có bằng chứng xác nhận qua xét nghiệm tại phòng thí nghiệm (3).
The separation of a person or group of people reasonably believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease but not yet symptomatic from others who have not been so exposed to prevent the possible spread of the communicable disease.
| Cách Ly:
Việc tách một người hoặc một nhóm người có lý do hợp lý để tin là đã bị phơi nhiễm với một bệnh truyền nhiễm nhưng chưa có triệu chứng khỏi những người chưa bị phơi nhiễm để ngăn chặn sự lây lan tiềm ẩn của bệnh truyền nhiễm (3).
Social distancing:
The practice of increasing the space between individuals and decreasing their frequency of contact to reduce the risk of spreading a disease; ideally to maintain at least 6 feet between all individuals, even those who are asymptomatic.
| Giãn cách xã hội:
Thực hiện tăng khoảng cách giữa các cá nhân và giảm tần suất tiếp xúc để giảm nguy cơ lây lan bệnh tật; lý tưởng nhất là duy trì khoảng cách ít nhất 6 feet giữa tất cả các cá nhân, ngay cả những người không có triệu chứng (4).
Showing signs of disease or injury, or it may concern a specific symptom.
| Có Triệu Chứng:
Có dấu hiệu của bệnh tật hoặc thương tích, hoặc nó có thể liên quan đến một triệu chứng cụ thể (5).
Vaccine confidence:
The trust that patients, their families, and providers have in: Recommended vaccines; providers who administer vaccines; and processes and policies that lead to vaccine development, licensure or authorization, manufacturing, and recommendations for use.
| Sự tin tưởng dành cho vắc-xin:
Sự tin tưởng mà bệnh nhân, gia đình họ và nhân viên y tế dành cho: Các loại vắc-xin được khuyến nghị; nhân viên y tế thực hiện việc tiêm vắc-xin; và các quy trình cũng như chính sách dẫn đến việc phát triển, cấp phép hoặc cho phép, sản xuất và khuyến nghị sử dụng vắc-xin (2).
1. American Public Health Association. (n.d.). Community Health Workers. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, June 3). Building Confidence in COVID-19
Vaccines. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.,%2C%20and%20recommendations%20for%20use.
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Appendices. Centers for Disease Control and
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Guidance on Management of Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) in Correctional and Detention Facilities. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
5. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2021, July 2). Symptomatic: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia.