COVID-19 Vaccine Information for
Asian American Communities
Community Conversations
Listen to PNAA/PNAAF's inaugural episode of the PNAA RISE UP: Real Issues and Stories of Everyone of Us Podcast. In this episode, we converse with Arlyn Dela Pena and Dr. Jamille Nagtalon-Ramos about their stories of the COVID vaccine and the related issues surrounding pregnancy, lactation, and implications on women of childbearing age.
October 7, 2021
PNAA RISE UP: Real Issues and Stories of Everyone of Us Podcast
United in Hope: Building Community Leadership Teams to Prevent the Spread
September 23, 2021
Flyer for APPEAL's youth leadership summit

Community Conversations on COVID-19 Vaccinations
June 28, 2021
Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF) has invited Dr. Dominic Mack from Morehouse School of Medicine National COVID-19 Resiliency Network (NCRN) and Dr. Merlie Ramira from Philippine Nurses Association of America Foundation (PNAAF) to discuss vaccine health equity, distribution, promotion of vaccination rates to minorities/vulnerable populations, as well as how to best provide outreach to community members. Our speakers bring their expertise on the COVID vaccine and collaboration with community organization partnerships. This event will have live bilingual translators who will be speaking in Tagalog. We will also stream this event live on the APIAHF Facebook page.
This resource is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $5,117,633 with 100 percent funded by CDC/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.
To view the webinar in English -
COVID-19 Town Hall: Addressing the Vaccination Questions of Vietnamese Americans
March 29, 2021
SEARAC, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF), the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO), and National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA) hosted a virtual town hall on Monday, March 29 with Vietnamese healthcare providers, experts, and officials who discussed the COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination process.
Topics include:
• Trusting the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
• Access and eligibility for vaccination.
• What to expect when getting the vaccine.
Featured guest speakers from Progressive Vietnamese American Organization (PIVOT):
• Dr. Tung Nguyen
• Dr. Anh Thu Bui
Language: Click here for Vietnamese recording
COVID-19 Vaccine Town Hall for Community Health Workers and CBOs
February 5, 2021
CSAAH participated in hosting a COVID-19 Town Hall for CBOs and CHWs, in partnership with NYU Langone Health and NYC DOHMH (February 5, 2021) to address community questions about COVID-19 vaccine safety and distribution in NYC. COVID-19 Q&As were translated into different languages to be shared with fellow CBO and CHW networks to use in their community work.
In-language Materials
Can Young People Become Sick from COVID-19
Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and from the American Academy of Pediatrics show that COVID-19 hospitalizations among children and young adults have been steadily rising over the summer, because of the Delta variant.
CSAAH and CACF created glossary palm cards to learn more about COVID-19. Community partners are invited to edit the PDF or place a sticker in the "learn more at" white section to include local information about vaccination sites.
COVID-19 Glossary Palm Card
Community Conversations on COVID-19
September 14, 2021
In Case You Missed It, watch our Community Conversations on COVID-19 featuring NIH CEAL, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, and Made to Save! Listen in as subject matter experts and community leaders, Dr. Alice Chen, Dr. Paul Han, Dr. William Keh, Dr. Katya Corado, and Dr. Gbenga Ogedegbe, discuss back to school vaccine strategies, address vaccine myths, and more. This event was broadcasted in Korean and Mandarin Chinese.
Community Conversation on COVID-19 Recording
Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF) welcomes you to our Community Conversations on COVID-19 featuring NIH CEAL, KCSNY, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, and Made to Save. Join us as subject matter experts and community leaders, Dr. Alice Chen, Dr. Paul Han, Dr. William Keh, Dr. Katya Corado, and Dr. Olubenga Ogedegbe, discuss back to school vaccine strategies, address vaccine myths, and more.
Supporting Safe Back-to-School Promoting Vaccinations for those 12 and over
Join APIAHF partner Dr. Karen Korematsu, Founder and Executive Director of the Fred T. Korematsu Institute in a conversation with NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Civil Rights Leader Dolores Huerta, and health experts on keeping our students safe as they head back-to-school and the importance of vaccinations for those 12 and over.
Vietnamese Fact Check
Do unvaccinated people make up most of the current deaths from COVID-19? This website fights misinformation by and for Vietnamese Americans.
Languages: English, Vietnamese
FAQ about Vaccines
Key Things to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines
Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines
Common misinformation addressed regarding COVID-19 vaccines
Languages: Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean
Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines
Factsheet translated in various languages to educate public about the COVID-19 vaccines and key information they should know.
Languages: Arabic, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Tagalog, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Burmese, Farsi, Hakha Chin, Hmong, Karen, Nepali, Pashto, Urdu
Hmoob / Hmong
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) In-Language Resources
ខ្មែរ / Khmer
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) In-Language Resources
ລາວ / Lao
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) In-Language Resources
廣東話 / 广东话 / Cantonese
বাংলা / Bengali
COVID-19 Glossary Palm Card
CSAAH and CACF created glossary palm cards to learn more about COVID-19. Community partners are invited to edit the PDF or place a sticker in the "learn more at" white section to include local information about vaccination sites.
COVID-19 and Your Health During Ramadan
On Sunday April 25th, 2021, the DREAM Initiative team of NYU CSAAH led a forum for the Bangladeshi community forum on, “COVID-19 Vaccine and Your Health in Ramadan.” This event featured Dr. Fahim Tazwar and Imam Rofique Ahmed as speakers and the event was moderated by NYU CSAAH’s MD Taher. This session addressed community concerns and common myths about taking the COVID-19 vaccine during Ramadan. Questions pertaining to the Islamic perspective were answered by Imam Rofique Ahmed alongside Dr. Fahim Tazwar’s clinical perspective. The event was conducted in Bangla.
COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar for the Bangladeshi Community
On Saturday, January 9th, 2021, the DREAM Initiative team of NYU CSAAH led a COVID-19 vaccine forum for the Bangladeshi community. This event featured Drs. Fahim Tazwar and Sultan Ripon as speakers and the event was moderated by NYU CSAAH’s MD Taher. In this session, COVID-19 vaccine related community questions were answered by the two Bangladeshi-American physicians. The event was conducted in Bangla.

官话 / 官話 / Mandarin
اردو / Urdu
COVID-19 Vaccine Forum for the Pakistani Community
On Saturday, March 6th, 2021, the DREAM Initiative team of NYU CSAAH led a COVID-19 vaccine forum for the Pakistani community. This event featured D. Batool Hussaini as a speaker and the event was moderated by NYU CSAAH’s Sidra Zafar. In this session, COVID-19 vaccine related community questions were answered by the Pakistani-American doctor. The event was conducted in Urdu.
Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) Fact Sheets
Virtual COVID-19 Town Hall
SEARAC, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF), the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO), and National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA) hosted a virtual town hall with Vietnamese healthcare providers, experts, and officials who discussed the COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination process.
Topics include:
• Trusting the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
• Access and eligibility for vaccination.
• What to expect when getting the vaccine.
Featured guest speakers from Progressive Vietnamese American Organization (PIVOT):
• Dr. Tung Nguyen
• Dr. Anh Thu Bui
简体中文 / Chinese (Simplified)
COVID-19 社区对话
2021 年 9 月 14 日
如果您错过了我们的 COVID-19 社区对话,请观看这场对话的视频,参与方包括 NIH CEAL、Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation、Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York 和 Made to Save。收看主题专家和社区领袖 Dr. Alice Chen、Dr. Paul Han、Dr. William Keh、Dr. Katya Corado 和 Dr. Gbenga Ogedegbe 一起讨论返校疫苗策略、揭秘疫苗真相以及更多内容。这一活动以韩语和中文普通话播出。
CSAAH and CACF created glossary palm cards to learn more about COVID-19. Community partners are invited to edit the PDF or place a sticker in the "learn more at" white section to include local information about vaccination sites.
繁體中文 / Chinese (Traditional)
2021 年 9 月 14 日
若您錯過現場活動,請觀看我們的《新冠疫情社區對話》座談會影片,與談嘉賓包括 NIH CEAL、Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation、Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York 以及 Made to Save!聆聽主題專家和社群領袖 Dr. Alice Chen、Dr. Paul Han、Dr. William Keh、Dr. Katya Corado 和 Dr. Gbenga Ogedegbe 一起討論返校疫苗策略、化解疫苗迷思,並且探索更多議題。本活動以韓語和國語配音播出。
COVID-19에 대한 지역사회의 대화
2021년 9월 14일
(한국어 더빙)
놓치신 경우를 대비해서, NIH CEAL, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, 그리고 Made to Save에서 COVID-19에 대한 지역사회의 대화를 시청하세요! 관련 주제의 전문가들과 지역 지도자들인 Alice Chen 박사, Paul Han박사, William Keh박사, Katya Corado박사, 그리고 Gbenga Ogedegbe박사가 학교의 백신 전략에 대해 토론하고 백신 근거 없는 믿음 등에 대한 설명을 들어보세요. 이 행사는 한국어와 중국어로 방송되었습니다.
Tiếng Việt / Vietnamese
What to Expect after Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
COVID-19 vaccination will help protect you from getting COVID-19. You may have some side effects, which are normal signs that your body is building protection.
Community Conversations on COVID-19 Vaccinations
June 28, 2021
Mga Usapan para sa Taong-bayan Tungkol sa Pagbabakuna ng COVID-19
Narinig ba ninyo ang usapang ito? Kamakailan lamang, ipinahayag ni Dr. Dominic Mack mula sa Morehouse School of Medicine's (MSM) National COVID-19 Resiliency Network (NCRN) at ni Dr. Merlie Ramira mula sa Philippine Nurses Association of America Foundation (PNAAF) ang pantay at makatarungang paraan ng pagbibigay ng bakuna para sa taong-bayan. Makinig tayo at panoorin ang bidyo dito.
This resource is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $5,117,633 with 100 percent funded by CDC/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.
Tagalog translation available -
Factsheet about COVID-19 Vaccines
CSAAH and CACF created glossary palm cards to learn more about COVID-19. Cmmunity partners are invited to edit the PDF or place a sticker in the "learn more at" white section to include local information about vaccination sites.
عربى / Arabic
CSAAH and CACF created infographics answering questions around COVID-19.
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ / Punjabi
COVID-19 Glossary Palm Card
CSAAH and CACF created glossary palm cards to learn more about COVID-19. Community partners are invited to edit the PDF or place a sticker in the "learn more at" white section to include local information about vaccination sites.
COVID-19 FAQ Infographic
CSAAH and CACF created infographics answering questions around COVID-19.